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Services Archives - Bedford Security Systems
Bedford Medical Alert Systems
Bedford Medical Alert Systems offer industry leading fall detection capabilities and two-way voice to help seniors maintain independence in their own home.
Burglary Alarm Systems for Home and Business
Create safer and more productive environments with a burglary alarm system. Your security security system will help to reduce the likelihood that valuable personal assets will be stolen and business operations will be interrupted. Bedford Security Systems alarm monitoring operates 24/7.
Installation of Access Control Systems
Access control systems help you to efficiently monitor and restrict access to areas such as building entrance-ways, parking garages, computer rooms and various vulnerable areas.
IP Video Surveillance Systems
Installation of IP video surveillance systems to remotely monitor and record activity at places that matter to you to reduce threats and to help deter theft.
Installation and Monitoring of Security Systems
Bedford Security System alarm monitoring helps reduce the likelihood that assets will be stolen or business operations will be interrupted.